Technical Information
Limestone Technical Specifications: It is precision split into stones of random lengths and heights and is unique in being machined top and bottom giving complete regularity. Available in large blocks when required up to 600mm high and 1200mm long. Luogh Stone Technical Specifications: The stone is precision split into blocks 40mm to 500mm high and lengths of 200mm to 600mm and has a uniform building width. Moher Stone Technical Specifications: The thinner material is used for flagstone paving and the thicker material is split into building stone. Precision split into random lengths, the stones vary in height from 40mm to 200mm and have a uniform bed width making them particularly easy to build. Flagstone Technical Specifications: In addition to paving stone 20mm to 40mm thick we have material 50mm to 150mm thick which can be cut to any size and is ideal for wall capping, kerbing etc.